GOALS Group - Social Skills and Emotion Regulation for Boys 

What is the Goals Group?

The GOALS Group (Growth Opportunities for Achieving Life Success) is a social skills group targeted at boys between the ages of 5 and 14. The group is built upon the idea that children learn social skills more quickly from real-life interactions with their peers than from lessons and lectures from adults. In the context of the group, kids learn to handle frustrating situations, resolve conflicts, cooperate and become more thoughtful with their peers in real-time, real-world situations.

Who does the goals group serve?

The GOALS group is designed for children who would benefit from increased
social awareness, anger management skills, overcoming shyness, and increasing assertiveness. The Groups is designed for children who are generally high-functioning, but need assistance in these areas to thrive in social situations. Children with diagnoses such as ADHD, High-Functioning Autism or Asperger's disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and Social Anxiety Disorder can benefit from social skills groups, but children who have no diagnosis but who could use a little social fine-tuning also find success in the GOALS group.

what is the availability and cost?

There are currently three different GOALS groups conducted weekly that accommodate
both younger and older children. The current groups are for boys aged 5 to 7, aged 8 to 11, and for middle school-aged boys.

The groups are held at my office, with up to six boys at a time. The groups are ongoing, and progress for each child is evaluated on a continuing basis with parents or guardians. Because of the ongoing nature of the group, children enter and leave the group intermittently and new openings occasionally become available. A waitlist is also open for new groups, which form frequently. Please contact me to find out if there is an opening currently or to put your name on a waiting list.

The cost for the GOALS Group is $100 per session with sessions held weekly. A limited number of reduced fee spots are available based on financial need. Please contact me for details.